Rental can be subject verification of breaches committed in the past.

Every tenants or driver is subject to verification of relative drive licenses and breaches.

If a tenant/ driver doesn’t respond rental requirement, including guidelines for driving licenses or infragements, rental will be refused. accepts no responsibility for non compliance of a driver under requirements or guidelines listed above. Rental is not allowed in case of driving license suspended or  if offenses record includes, without limitation, one of the following offenses in the previous three years:

  • Dangerous or reckless driving that damaged people or things.
  • Drink driving or under influence of drugs
  • Three or more violations of traffic rules
  • Two or more car crashes
  • Abandoning the scene or  omission to report a car crash.
  • Circulation of an uninsured vehicle
  • Possession of a stolen vehicle. can investigate violations committed by tenants with the relevant authorities.

Tenant must have a valid driving license issued one year at least.